Tuesday, July 25, 2017

License Plate Search

Since the beginning of our trip we've been keeping track of all the state license plates we've found, and somewhere along the line mom and dad promised to buy us ice cream if we found a Hawaii license plate. And sure enough, in the Crater Lake parking lot Seth spotted the rainbow plate.

Even though we found it at Crater Lake, we didn't get our ice cream until we were on the way out of LA. But our blizzards were worth it!

We were glad for the ice cream since we were driving through 116 degree weather!

Since then we've been continuing to search for license plates, and we finished finding all of them just a couple days ago! South Carolina was the last one.

1 comment:

  1. Good game to play on a trip...Spot the license plate.
    I never knew about that one. Thanks for sharing.
