Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Hurricane Ridge

After the Grand Tetons we headed to Olympic National Park! And we were so thankful to stay at Renita's great-aunt and uncle's house, after camping for a week.
On Saturday we rested and then went to Olympics's visitor center and Hurricane Ridge.

Our whole family happened to be wearing blue that day. :)

The 180 degree view of the snow-capped mountains was grand.

Beautiful lavender at the house we stayed at.


  1. Liking your photos very much.
    And, glad you had a friendly place to rest...important.
    Have a wonderful adventure and come home safe.

  2. Everyone looks like you are enjoying the trip. Pictures are beautiful. Bob & Midge

  3. I love the picture of the mountains!
    Hope you all are having a great time! -Chanel-

  4. enjoying the pictures...keep them coming!!! You folks win the adventurous family of the summer award😃
