Sunday, July 16, 2017

Crater Lake

With the mixture of being too busy and not having service, we haven't had a chance to blog for so long! But we've been having continued adventures. Crater Lake was a beautiful lake created by a volcano exploding and then collapsing into the ground to form a hole. That hole filled with rain and melted snow, forming Crater Lake.

This is a pumice desert from the volcanic explosion that formed the lake.

There was a lot of snow and construction on the roads because of it up around the lake. We had stayed at a mosquito infested campsite the night before so we packed up from it quickly and waited to eat breakfast until we got to this beautiful view.

In the lake there is a cone shaped island that came from inside the volcano.

The lake was so clear and blue! The water is actually really pure.

We hiked down to the edge of the lake on a trail that dropped 700 feet in almost a mile. It was steep, but it was so beautiful down by the water!


  1. Beautiful! Makes us eager to travel. Trust the mosquito bites did not do any damages. Midge & Bob

  2. Good to hear from the Gerlach Family...I was wondering where you were.
    Rod: No mosquitos in our new screened in patio thanks to you. 🌞
    Alan and I send all of you our best wishes.
